sta Efficient Board of Executors | Privacy Statement
JOHANNESBURG: +27 861 711 711    /    CAPE TOWN: +27 21 914 0835

Privacy Statement

Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd (EFBOE) has always been committed to treating our clients’ information in a confidential and ethical manner. The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) provides the legal framework for the treatment of information and we undertake to continue to abide by this framework. We have updated our Privacy Policy in line with POPIA, which came into effect on 01 July 2021.

The privacy of our clients’ information is important to us. We would like you to have peace of mind that all personal information and data are protected. We assure you that every reasonable precaution has been put in place to safeguard and ensure the secure use of any personal information.

EFBOE will never share our clients’ information with any third-party person or entity outside of the Efficient group without your consent. We will only share your personal/special personal information with our selected range of service providers and only if it is necessary to ensure efficient services and for the sole purpose of performing our duties in the ordinary course of the business relationship in accordance with the relevant legislation.

EFBOE will only store your information for processing and business-related services. We would like to assure all our clients that your information will remain private.

Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd Privacy Statement


“We”, “us” and “our” refers to Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd (EFBOE), a private company with limited liability registered under the company laws of the Republic of South Africa, registration number 1960/001080/07.

The principal places of business of the company are Third Floor, Roan House, 263 Kent Avenue, Randburg, 2194 and Third Floor, Imperial Terraces, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530.

“You” and “your” refers to you as the principle party of the business relationship. “Your personal information” refers to personal information about you, your spouse, your dependants and your beneficiaries. It includes information about gender, age, contact numbers, addresses, financial status and/or any other information that may be required in the ordinary course of EFBOE performing its duties.

“Process information” means the activities of collecting, recording, organising, storing, updating, distributing and removing or deleting personal information.

“Competent person” means anyone who is legally competent to consent to any action or decision being taken for any matter concerning a child, for example a parent or legal guardian.

Information Officer
Efficient Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd
Third Floor Roan House
263 Kent Avenue
Tel: 0861 722 626
Fax: 0861 115 704
Email address:
Information Regulatory
SALU Building,
316 Thabo Sehume Street,
Tel: 012 406 4818
Fax: 086 500 3351
Email address:

Click here to download our privacy statement

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Tel: +27 21 914 0835